Getting around

Getting around

Bus Services

Arborfield is serviced by the Leopard 3 and Leopard 3B bus service operated by Reading Buses and the 145 operated by Horseman Coaches which is a once a week service on Tuesdays to Sainsbury’s in Winnersh.

Leopard 3 and 3B time tables are here

145 to Sainsbury’s time table is here

Park and Ride
Park and ride information 0118 957 9425

Trains information 0845 7484950
Wokingham station & Winnersh station – Trains to Reading and London Waterloo every half hour, more frequently at peak times.
Reading station – Trains to London Paddington and all destinations South West at frequent intervals.

Keep Mobile
Keep Mobile are a voluntary organisation who provide Transport for the elderly and disabled. KEEP MOBILE has been in operation since the beginning of 1992 and is run by a Management Committee made up of wheelchair users, other disabled people, carers and those with many years experience in providing accessible transport. Its mission is to help those in the Wokingham Borough and Bracknell Forest Borough areas unable to use ordinary transport (due to their disability and/or age) to reach their destination, wherever that may be, and have as much of an independent life as is possible with regard to transport. They operate a fleet of accessible mini-buses all of which have adaptable seating arrangements to suit varying needs (i.e. nos. of wheelchair passengers) and are equipped with passenger lifts. information 0845 544 0850

Shinfield Voluntary Car Service
The service covers most of Arborfield and provides transport for local people who have difficulty coping with public transport to access doctors, dentists, some hospital appointments, shopping trips and social journeys within the area. information 0118 988 3400 booking hours 10.00am -12noon Monday to Friday