Arborfield Park in Swallowfield Road

Arborfield Park in Swallowfield Road

Arborfield Park on Swallowfield Road is owned and maintained by the Parish Council and is therefore paid for by the residents of the Parish. It was purchased in the 1970s and the pavilion was built to provide changing facilities for the village football team.

The park now houses a modern playground and play equipment, youth shelter, picnic shelter, football pitch, car parking, memorial and commemorative trees and benches, litter bins and dog waste bins and a recycling area for bottles, clothes and shoes.

A planning application has been submitted to add a Parish Office. The planning application has not yet been determined.

The parks vehicle gates are opened daily at 8am and closed at 8pm between April and October and 6pm between November and March. There are several clear signs around the car park stating the opening times.

Bottle banks – these are emptied fortnightly. If the banks are full please bring  your bottles back another day or take to another site. Leaving bottles on the ground is fly tipping and you may be fined. These bottles do not get recycled and go to landfill instead.

Clothing banks – these are emptied weekly by the relevant charities.

Bins and dog waste bins – these are emptied weekly.

Arborfield Park is the home ground of Arborfield FC and one of the home grounds for Wokingham & Emmbrook Youth FC. During the season you will see games being played on Saturdays and Sundays.

Football matches and training, and fitness/exercise sessions – Several groups and clubs use the park to carry out their sessions. There is a permit scheme in place which groups must comply with to use Arborfield Park. All such groups, including football clubs must apply for a permit by contacting the Parish Clerk at to prior to use. This is to ensure the park is used in a proper manner, other park users are not affected and to reassure residents who attend such groups that their trainer/organiser operates legitimately. Unauthorised groups and clubs may be asked to leave the facilities if they have not signed up for a permit. Several signs around the car park provide this information. Official users are:

Arborfield Football Club – Sunday mornings

Wokingham & Emmbrook Youth Football Club – Saturday mornings and some Sunday afternoons

Finchampstead FC (for summer training only)

If you notice a problem with the park please contact the Parish Clerk at or leave a message on the answerphone on 0118 976 1489 and you will be called back.

Please help us to keep Arborfield Park clean and tidy for all to enjoy.